Student Scholarships
Attention Minuteman Seniors!
Could you use some assistance with the purchase of necessary career-related tools, materials or supplies, or with costs related to post-Minuteman education/training?
The MPA will award multiple scholarships, each $500 - $1000, this spring. These scholarships are available to any graduating senior, especially those with needs-based or other special circumstances and who are in good academic standing.
MPA Scholarships
Layla Lubin '22 Award
Recognizes a deserving senior who has demonstrated leadership and commitment to advancing a respectful, inclusive environment at Minuteman with a focus on diversity and equity.
Minuteman Revolutionary Award
Awarded to students who demonstrate outstanding character, leadership, sportsmanship, or commitment to community service or who overcame significant challenges to achieve success.
Pathways Awards
Awarded to a student in each of five Minuteman career and technical education pathways:
Trades and Transportation
Communications Media
Engineering and Production
Health, Hospitality and Human Services
Agriculture, Environment and Life Sciences
Application information will be announced in January, '24
2024 Scholarships
On June 6, 2024 at Senior Night, the following 24 Seniors were each awarded a $500 scholarship from the Minuteman Parent Association. Thank you to the entire Minutemancommunity for your support of our fundraising efforts, which allowed us to make these awards!
Congratulations to all of the Seniors!
Layla Lubin Leadership Award
Alishah Ahmad & Paris Capehart
Pathways Award
● Trades and Transportation - Calvin Dowds
● Communications Media - Jabe Harris, Lea Orrell, Nathan Zwirn
● Engineering and Production - River Araujo, Alexis Farrow, Max Larkin
● Health, Hospitality and Human Services - Kendall Hovasse, So-Ahn Kieffer-Kwon, Neema
Nyamweya, Megan Sweeney
● Agriculture, Environment and Life Sciences - Oliver Phillips, Camille White
Minuteman Revolutionary Award
Elizabeth Blumberg, Arianna Ciampa, Arya De Francesco, Maya Gonsalves, Jack Grater, Sam
Keller, Laryssa Maia, Conner Russell, Jolaina Spilios
2023 Scholarships
Pathways Awards go to at least one student in each of Minuteman’s five career and technical education pathways.
Trades and Transportation: Jack Primpas & Nolan Griffin
Communications & Media: Connor MacKenzie & Jonathan Bradbury
Engineering and Production: Jaime Lehoux
Health, Hospitality and Human Services: Rylan King, Saleena Kahn, Melanie Mytych, Emma Heckman
Agriculture, Environment and Life Sciences: Elias Bak & Blaise Anderson
The Minuteman Revolutionary Award goes to students who demonstrate outstanding character, leadership, sportsmanship, or commitment to community service or who overcame significant challenges to achieve success. This year’s winners are: Sabine Adams & Nicolette Stamos
Two Honorable Mention Certificates were also presented to two very accomplished students whose passion and dedication for their school and their studies shone through: Josh Formaggio & Annie Brosnan
New this year the Layla Lubin (MMHS'22) Leadership Award is awarded to students who sought to improve the student experience and climate at Minuteman, especially for students of color: Nyah Bordeau
All awardees received certificates at Senior Awards night and will each get an e-check for $500. Thank you to Scholarship Chair, Stephanie Ettinger De Cuba and Mr. Joncas for their work in this process! THIS is why we fundraise and it was an honor to recognize these kids. Thank you to all of you who participated in fundraisers, whether you ran/walked at Battlegreen, ordered food from WECO, bought spirit wear, shopped Amazon, or gave to our spring fundraiser. YOU made this possible!
Congratulations to all of you and to the entire graduating Class of 2023!!
2022 scholarships
The Minuteman Parents Association is proud to announce 9 awardees which provide support for further education or the purchase of necessary tools or materials.
Awardees demonstrated outstanding school and community citizenship, motivation and aptitude in their respective career and technical education pathway.
The Scholarship Committee recognized senior Layla Lubin's special contributions and leadership in the first MPA Leadership award. Congratulations to all awardees!
Ryan Jones Bradley Winters Patrick Murphy
Trinity Choroszej Kole Murawski Jalen Smith
Daniel Chandler Gavin Sparks Layla Lubin
The MPA also sponsored the Friends of Minuteman awards this year, recognizing 16 seniors who have strengthened the Minuteman community in some way over the past year. Congratulations FOM awardees!
2021 scholarships
In Spring 2021, the MPA distributed $16,000 in scholarships to 16 graduating seniors.