Welcome to the Minuteman Parents Association

Welcome to the start of the 2024 - 2025 school year!

If you are the parent or guardian of a Minuteman High School student, you are already a member of the Minuteman Parent Association.  Read on to learn more about who we are, what we do and how you can get involved!

The MPA has two main goals:
1) Raise money, primarily for scholarships. See the Scholarships page for last year's recipients. The MPA also organizes and funds Teacher Appreciation Week each spring.
2) Foster connections amongst parents and build community between the parent and school community. 

Upcoming Events

Thursday, January 16 - MPA meeting via Zoom.  Register here.

Submit questions in advance to MPA-president@minutemanpa.org

Wednesday January 22 @ 11:30am - MPA Brunch, District Cafe

Join the MPA for a delicious brunch cooked by the culinary students. Sign up here

Winter Wonderland at Minuteman, Saturday January 25 from 9:00am to 11:30am

All are invited to join us for this 2nd annual event geared towards families with elementary and middle school age children. More families should know about Minuteman! Family-friendly activities include a Kids Craft Table, a Photo Booth, FacePainting and more. Items for sale include custom-made items by students and faculty from the various shops....earrings, tote bags, cookie decorating kits, and Plants to name a few! How can you help spread the word? Tell your friends and be sure to like and share Minuteman's social media posts. All proceeds support the Minuteman Scholarship Fund for Seniors. Click here for tickets.

Winter Wonderland raffle items needed! A large part of the funds raised at this event come from the highly popular raffle, thanks to the awesome baskets and items donated by parents and businesses. All funds raised go to the Minuteman scholarship fund. If you would like to donate, please email minakshisingal@gmail.com or simply drop the items off in the front office, in care of Katie Bouchard. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Current Volunteer Needs

How to get involved

1. Join our monthly meetings (first Tuesday of every month) to find out what we are working on and how you might help. 

2024-2025 meeting schedule (Register here in advance)

September 18

October 16

November 20

December 18

January 15

February 26 (moved to the 4th week to avoid Feb break)

March 19

April 16

May 21

June 18

2. Donate here, participate in our fundraisers or shop the SpiritWear site

3. Sign up for the private MPA Facebook page * for current parents/guardians of MMHS students.  

*Please answer three questions to be admitted to the group. 

See our Fundraising Page for all the ways you can support the MPA!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our WECO fundraisers in '23/'24!  We raised enough to fund one $500 scholarship!

Throughout the fundraiser period, WECO will generously donate 10% of every dinner bill to support MMHS. Your involvement will have a direct and positive impact on our scholarship fund.

To take part, simply visit wecohospitality.com, select your meals, and input the promo code "MMHSFundraiser" at checkout. You can also automatically apply the promo code here: https://wecohospitality.com/discount/MMHSFundraiser 

MPA Leadership for 2023-2024

President - Courtney Hadly Zwirn

Vice President - Shelley Scruggs

Treasurer - Silvia Dominguez-Bodie

Secretary - Will Barker 

Communications (Website, Facebook Group & Daily Announcements) - Claudia Donnet & Erin Palmer

Spirit Wear On-line Store - Michelle Dowds

Scholarship Committee - Stephanie Ettinger de Cuba 

Teacher Appreciation Week - Michele Abroff 

Parent Outreach - Minakshi Singal 

Please feel free to reach out to the MPA Leadership via email at 


All the information you need about school issues - bus schedules, lunches, school schedules, etc. can be found on the Minuteman website.

For an overview of Minuteman communications and how to locate various information on the website, please see the slide deck below.

2022-23 Comms Guide for Parents.pptx

The MPA Mission                                                                  

The Minuteman Parent Association Inc. seeks to promote the intellectual, social, and physical well-being of high school students of Minuteman High School by supporting the philosophy of technical and vocational education; fundraising to benefit students and faculty; and promoting cooperation and communication among the school, parents, and the community.

 The Minuteman Parent Association Inc. is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Contact us at MPA-president@MinutemanPA.org